Are Bunk Beds a Good Idea for Young Children?

If you have two young children of quite a close age and only the one bedroom for them then bunk beds are normally something you have to consider. However it is true that many parents are a bit skeptical about them when they really shouldn't be.

Metal Bed Side Rails

One thing you won't have to worry about is that the kids always love bunk beds. It can feel exciting and grown up to be on the top bunk, whilst the younger kids like to feel more safe and secure on the bottom bunk. Therefore, bunk beds are generally a good idea you just have to try and remember a few guidelines.

Metal Bed Side Rails

The age of your children should give you a good idea of whether they are a good idea or not. Children grow really quickly and bunk beds are normally considered too young for a lot of kids once they reach 12-13 and sometimes even younger. So consider the age of your kids and how many years use you will get out of the beds.

Double check their are guard rails on all 4 sides of the bed. Some beds only have guard rails on one side as they assume the other side will be against the wall, this is a safety hazard and you should always only buy bunk beds with guard rails all around the side.

Check the ladder is strong. The ladder should be positioned so that the child doesn't have to rely on using the end of the bed to climb to the top bunk. Be sure that the ladder is secured fast and wont dislodge when your child is climbing up or down.

Are Bunk Beds a Good Idea for Young Children?
Metal Bed Side Rails

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